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Oyako-don is one of the popular donburi menus same as Gyu-don in Japanese cuisine. Donburi is a dish over the rice.  “Oyako” means a parent in Japanese and “Don” is an abbreviation of donburi. We use chicken and egg for this dish that’s why this dish is called “Oyako-don”.  This is really easy and simple dish. Also, all you need is Chicken, egg and onion (plus, seasonings)! For seasonings, I recommend to use Dashi soup stock rather than using only plain water. Please try it out!!

Ingredients(2 servings):

2 Bowls  Japanese rice  *cooked
200g  Chicken breast
1/2 size  Onion
2  Eggs

3/4 Cup (150ml)  Dashi soup stock
1 Tbsp (15ml)  Soy sauce
1 Tbsp (15ml)  Mirin

1 Tbsp (15ml)  Sake
1/2 Tbsp (7.5ml)  Sugar


1. Slice the chicken into bite-size pieces, and cut the onion into wedges.
2. Mix all the seasonings to stir. Pour the mixture in a pan and heat to a boil.
3. Add the chicken and bring to a boil again. Then, add the onions and and let it boil for 4 to 5 minutes.
4. Prepare the beaten egg and pour over the pan.
5. Cover immediately with a lid and turn the heat to low. Steam for 30 seconds and then turn off the heat. Move over the rice.

Memo :
1. Are you looking for Japanese kitchenwares and cooking tools? Please visit our online store!
2. Would you like to cook many more recipes? Download Free recipe app from here! “Recipe by YJC

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