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Oyako-don is one of the popular donburi menus same as Gyu-don in Japanese cuisine. Donburi is a dish over the rice.  “Oyako” means a parent in Japanese and “Don” is an abbreviation of donburi. We use chicken and egg for this dish that’s why this dish is called “Oyako-don”.  This is really easy and simple dish. Also, all you need is Chicken, egg and onion (plus, seasonings)! For seasonings, I recommend to use Dashi soup stock rather than using only plain water. Please try it out!!

Ingredients(2 servings):

2 Bowls  Japanese rice  *cooked
200g  Chicken breast
1/2 size  Onion
2  Eggs

3/4 Cup (150ml)  Dashi soup stock
1 Tbsp (15ml)  Soy sauce
1 Tbsp (15ml)  Mirin

1 Tbsp (15ml)  Sake
1/2 Tbsp (7.5ml)  Sugar


1. Slice the chicken into bite-size pieces, and cut the onion into wedges.
2. Mix all the seasonings to stir. Pour the mixture in a pan and heat to a boil.
3. Add the chicken and bring to a boil again. Then, add the onions and and let it boil for 4 to 5 minutes.
4. Prepare the beaten egg and pour over the pan.
5. Cover immediately with a lid and turn the heat to low. Steam for 30 seconds and then turn off the heat. Move over the rice.

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