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Recipe : Dashi ~Kelp & Bonito flakes~

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Dashi (だし) is the most important soup/broth to create the authentic Japanese palate. Umami-rich ingredients like kelp (Kombu), Bonito flakes, and dried sardines are all key ingredients of dashi. This time, I introduce the dashi with kelp and bonito flakes.

Ingredients (1L):

10g Dried kelp
10g Dried bonito flakes
1L Water


1. Wipe the surface of kelp gently with using clean cloth.
*This is to remove the impurities. Don’t wash the Kelp since the flavor will be lost.

2. Place the kelp in a pot and soak in a water for 3 hours.
*Preferably for one night, if possible.

3. Heat the pot until it starts to boil. Just before boiling, turn off the heat and take out the kelp.

4. Add the bonito flakes and let it to a boil. Then, turn off the heat and let it sit for a while.

5. Strain the soup.

Memo :
1. Are you looking for Japanese kitchenwares and cooking tools? Please visit our online store!
2. Would you like to cook many more recipes? Download Free recipe app from here! “Recipe by YJC

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