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Sukiyaki is a Japanese style hot pot and has thinly sliced beef, cooked with various vegetables in a table-pot cast-iron pan. Sukiyaki is one of the famous Japanese cuisine same as Sushi, Tempura and Ramen. We usually eat Sukiyaki with family and friends at home. For this dish, I recommend to prepare good quality and thinly sliced Japanese beef loin. The quality of beef controls the flavor of Sukiyaki. I like Sukiyaki because I can also eat lots of vegetables including grilled tofu. Don’t forget about the flavor of Sukiyaki sauce. This sauce is well mixed with dipping sauce which is beaten raw egg!

Ingredients (4 servings):

400g Thinly sliced beef loin
1 bag Shirataki *Konnyaku noodles
1 block Grilled tofu
1 Long onion
1/4 Chinese cabbage
1 bag Enoki mushrooms *Shiitake is also OK!
1 bag Chrysanthemum stalk
4 Egg

Sukiyaki broth:
300ml Dashi soup stock
250ml Soy sauce
200ml Mirin
100ml Sugar


1. To prepare the Sukiyaki broth, mix all the ingredients (A) in a small pot and bring to a boil.
When it starts boiling, turn off the heat and keep it aside.

2. Put shirataki in a bowl, pour the boiling water and drain for 2 minutes and then cut it into 4 equal portions.

3. Cut the grilled tofu into 8 pieces, long onion at an angle.
Cut roughly Chinese cabbage and cut off the tips of both chrysanthemum stalk and enoki mushrooms.
Arrange all the vegetables on a serving basket or plate.

4. Heat sukiyaki pot well. Then, spread the beef tallow (or vegetable oil) on a pot and lightly cook the beef.

5. Add the long onions and also pour the broth about 1 cm/0.5 inch deep.
Then, add the shirataki, enoki mushrooms, grilled tofu, Chinese cabbage and chrysanthemum stalk
as for your preference. Allow the ingredients to cook in a broth.

6. Break and beat an egg in each serving bowl to make dipping sauce. Enjoy!

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