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Japanese Soup Curry

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Japanese soup curry (スープカレー) originated in Hokkaido, Japan, where it was influenced by Thai and other Asian cuisines. It is a refreshing dish even in summer, but it is also popular as a warming dish during the cold winter months. It is also an attractive dish for those who want to store plenty of nutrients with the power of spices and vegetables, and can be freely arranged by adding seafood, tofu, mushrooms, and other ingredients.

Ingredients (2 servings):

2 Potato
1 Carrot
4 stick Chicken
4 Sweet corn
1/4 Onion
1/2 Paprika
2 stick Asparagus
2 Tbsp Canola oil

1 Tbsp Curry powder
1 Tbsp Butter
1 Block Curry roux
2 tsp Dry basil
2 tsp Dry parsley
600ml Water
1 tsp Ginger paste
1 tsp Garlic paste
1 Tbsp Ketchup
1/2 tsp Honey
2 tsp Consomme
Salt & pepper

Directions :

1. Once the curry powder, butter, curry roux, dried parsley and basil are in the pan, mix well while heating. *Be careful not to burn.
2. Once the water is added, add the ginger and garlic paste, mix lightly, then turn the heat to high and bring the soup to a boil. Then turn off the heat.
3. Cut each vegetable into bite-size pieces.
4. Heat potatoes and carrots in advance in a special container in a microwave oven.
5. Season chicken wings with salt and pepper.
6. Spread salad oil on a griddle and grill the vegetables. Add potatoes and carrots as well.
7. Close the lid and allow the ingredients to cook through.
8. Transfer grilled vegetables to curry broth. Coat the griddle again with salad oil.
9. Add the chicken wings and lightly brown the surface. Cover with a lid and cook until cooked through.
10. Once the chicken has also been transferred to the curry broth, turn the heat to medium.
11. Add the remaining seasonings and bring to a boil again.
12. Turn off the heat and place on a dish.13. Done!

YUCa’s Tips :

1. Heat potatoes and carrots in microwave earlier.
2. After adding curry powder and butter, be careful not to burn it.
3. For sweeter taste : Mango chutney, Mamalade Jam and grated apple.
4. For spicy taste : Garan masala, seven spices or red chili, and worcestershire sauce.

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