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Yuka’s Table : vol.20

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夜ごはん: 主人のプレートをパチリ。(左利きなので、箸置きの位置も逆になっていますcoldsweats01) この日の献立は・・・白米と玄米の混合米、ネギとかぶの葉の味噌汁、定番のニラともやしの炒めもの、にんじんとごぼうのきんぴら、いわしの竜田揚げ、厚揚げと豚肉とピーマンの炒めもの、トマト、キムチ。

Dinner: I took a photo of my husband’s plate. He’s left handed so I put his chopstick rest on the other side. Well, the menus of the day…Mix of white and brown rice, miso soup of long onion and turnip root, sauteed garlic chive and bean sprouts, chopped burdock root and carrot cooked in sugar and soy sauce, Tatsuta deep frying of the sardine, sauteed green pepper, pork and deep-fried tofu, tomato and kimchi! 

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