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Yuka’s Table : vol.17

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夜ごはん: 白米と玄米の混合米、いんげんと油揚げと豆腐の味噌汁、焼鮭、ニラともやしの炒めもの、きんぴらごぼう、こんにゃくと細切りねぎの炒めもの、焼き油揚げのゆず味噌添え、かぼちゃの煮物、そして、キムチ。お気に入りは、焼き油揚げ。大豆の優しい味とサクサクっとした食感がクセになりますhappy01

Dinner: White and brown rice, Miso soup with kidney beans, deep-fried tofu and tofu, Grilled salmon, Sauteed bean sprouts and leeks, Chopped burdock root cooked in sugar and soy sauce, Sauteed konnyaku and green onion, Grilled deep-fried tofu with yuzu miso, Braised pumpkin and Kimchi.  My favorite is the Grilled deep-fried tofu. You can enjoy its soybean taste and crispy food texturehappy01

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