Rokurinsha (六厘舎) @ Ramen street in Tokyo station
There are many way of eating Ramen. Usually people imagine that ramen is a soup with egg noodles inside. This is the traditional style. I went to the Tsuke-men style ramen restaurant the other day. Tsuke-men is dipping noodle dish in Japanese.
“Rokurinsha“(六厘舎) is located at the Ramen street in Tokyo station and famous for Tsuke-men. After you order their recommended dish called Tokusei Tsukemen, you are served two bowls; one with rich pork and seafood broth which has simmered for 13 hours and the other one with boiled noodles. In my opinion, the ramen broth was too fishy and a bit strong for my tongue. This is just my opinion so please go there and try it!
My son also enjoyed some of them. He likes noodles.
We also ordered the traditional style ramen. I personally liked this ramen better.
Rokurinsha is by far the most popular ramen restaurant in the station with queues snaking around the corner for most of the day. If you are in a hurry and don’t have time, you can also buy the ramen frozen from a stand across form the restaurant.