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Tonjiru | Miso soup with veggie and pork

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Tonjiru is one of the comfort food here in Japan. Ton means pork and Shiru (Jiru) means soup. I like this miso based soup dish with so many reasons. Traditional miso soup usually contains 2-3 ingredients only. But from the photo, you’ll see there are so many veggies in this soup. So, you will be full easily just to eat this Tonjiru. Of course, if you cannot eat pork, you can skip it or you can use chicken. Without meat flavor, this soup has rich flavors from veggies.

Tonjiru reminds me of my youthful days. I remember that I used to eat this dish outside with everyone at various events. And the most unforgettable memory was when my family visited our grandparents’ house in the country side of Fukushima, we cooked Tonjiru with cousins and relatives and eat outside together! After eating, we all had fresh water melon from their field and played fireworks at night. It was so much fun and one of the precious memories for me! Yes, Tonjiru is definitely special dish for me forever! I hope you enjoy this dish!!

Ingredients(2 -3 servings):

100g Pork belly *thinly sliced
50g Taro potato *sweet potato is also OK!
2cm Daikon radish
5cm Carrot
5cm Burdock
5cm Spring onion
1/4 slice of Fried tofu
1/4 block of Shimeji mushroom
1/6 block of Konnyaku
Vegetable oil, as needed

2 cup (400ml) Dashi *Water is also OK!
2 Tbsp (30ml) Miso
½ Tbsp (7.5ml) Sake
½ Tbsp (7.5ml) Soy sauce
½ Tbsp (7.5ml) Mirin


1. Peel and cut the taro potato into bite-size pieces. Slice daikon radish and carrot into 5 mm thick quarters, fried tofu into bite-size pieces, spring onion diagonally. Thinly slice the burdock and soak in a water for a while to take out scum. Cut the konnyaku into small pieces and boil.

2. Heat the vegetable oil in a pot and add dashi soup stock and all the vegetables except spring onion.

3. Once it boils, add the pork meat, konnyaku and fried tofu. Then, turn to low heat and add the ingredients (A). Simmer till tender while removing the scum. Add spring onion at last.

4. When the vegetables get soft, turn off the heat. Then, serve on a bowl.
*It’s nice to sprinkle the seven herbs called the shichimi-togarashi on top.

Memo :
1. Are you looking for Japanese kitchenwares and cooking tools? Please visit our online store!
2. Would you like to cook many more recipes? Download Free recipe app from here! “Recipe by YJC

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