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Recipe : Miso Mushroom Cream Pasta

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In this video, I will show you how to make Miso Mushroom Cream Pasta. This is the protein-rich Japanese style Pasta with miso paste and soy milk. Aside with this pasta, we’ll also make quick and easy onion soup with veggie mix.
Ingredients (2 servings) :

Miso Mushroom Cream Pasta:
200g Pasta
50g Enoki mushroom
50g Shimeji mushroom
50g Eringi mushroom
2 piece Shiitake mushroom
50g Bacon
2 Tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Garlic paste
Salt & pepper, to your taste

200ml Soy milk
4 Tbsp Fresh cream
50g Parmesan cheese
1 Tbsp White miso

Onion soup with veggie mix:
400ml Water
2 Tbsp Veggie mix
1/4 size Onion
1 Tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Consomme granules
Salt & pepper, to your taste


Miso Mushroom Cream Pasta:
1. Divide the enoki and shimeji mushrooms by hand. Then, cut the eringi and shiitake mushrooms into bite-size pieces.
2. Cut the bacon into small stick sizes.
3. Heat the frying pan with medium heat and put the oil and garlic paste. Stir-fry until its aroma comes out.
4. Put bacon and slowly brown all the surface with the lid on. Shake the frying pan occasionally.
5. Add mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Then, stir-fry them until it all cooked. Then, take out the stir-fried mushroom and bacon into a bowl.
6. Turn on the low heat and pour soy milk and fresh cream in a same frying pan. Then, add miso and parmesan cheese, and lightly stir.
7. Put the mushroom and bacon back in the frying pan. Lightly mix and turn off the heat.
8. Prepare the boiling water and put the pasta. Boil for 6 minutes and drain. Then, mix with the cream sauce and stir gently.
9. Move to a plate and sprinkle the black pepper to your taste.

Onion soup with veggie mix:
1. Heat the pot with medium flame and pour the oil. Then, add onion and sautee until it gets lightly brown color.
2. Turn the heat to low and put salt and pepper. Then, add veggie mix and stir-fry until it cooked.
3. Turn to the high heat and add water and consomme granules. When it gets boiled, turn off the heat.

YUCa’s Tips:

1. Boil the pasta just before it becomes al dente texture.
2. Brown the bacon as much as possible to make crispy texture.
3. Try other miso (Brown miso, Red miso etc) as well.
4. Try other milk (oats, almonds or regular milk etc) as well!

Memo :
1. Are you looking for Japanese kitchenwares and cooking tools? Please visit our online store!
2. Would you like to cook many more recipes? Download Free recipe app from here! “Recipe by YJC

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