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My favorite place : National Azabu

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Day trip to memorable and important place for me.
I’ve been visiting the National Azabu supermarket since I was a child. I found this supermarket from teen magazine I was reading when I was elementary school student. (Wow, almost 30 years ago!)

When I visited this store for the first time, I was so shocked to know there was such a place in Japan. I felt that I was in another country! Then, I was fascinated by the scent, the interior, the foods and the goods that I have never had. This experience definitely opened my mind and made me eager to understand other cultures in this world.
After coming back to my hometown in Fukushima, I slowly became interested in learning English.

Since I love this supermarket very much so I occasionally visited there after I came to Tokyo for studying and living. What is more, I even worked for them before starting my business. Because I thought this was the best timing and the last chance for me to work there.

Don’t forget the strong passion and impactful memories you have in your mind! I believe those will guide you to the next level!

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