Dried products for Japanese Cooking
Kanbutsu (dried products, 乾物) are key staples of Japanese pantry. All have a long shelf life, most are natural and without preservatives; and they can be simply reconstituted in water before use.
Aonori (青のり): Green laver, often sprinkled on Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba.
Aosa (あおさ): Sea lettuce, good in soups
Hijiki (ひじき): A black sea vegetable rich in minerals and protein
Kaiso (海藻): Generic term for sea vegetables, often added to salads
Kanten (寒天): Aga-agar made from tengusa, a sea vegetabl, and used as a gelatin
Kombu (昆布): Kelp, essential ingredients in dashi soup broth
Nori (海苔/のり): Seaweed, often used for sushi
Wakame (わかめ): A sea vegetable often used in miso soup and salads
Katsuobushi (かつおぶし): Dried bonito flakes
Niboshi (煮干し): Small dried sardines
Sakura ebi (桜えび): Dried sakura shrimp
Sesame seeds:
Goma (ごま): Sesame seeds
Irigoma (炒りごま): Roasted sesame seeds
Kurogoma (黒ごま): Black sesame seeds
Shirogoma (白ごま): White sesame seeds
Surigoma (すりごま): Crushed sesame seeds
Wheat gluten:
Fu (麩): Wheat gluten
Kuruma-fu(車麩): Car wheel shape wheat gluten
Hoshi shiitake (干し椎茸): Dried shiitake mushrooms
Hoshi warabi (干しわらび): Dried bracken, a type of mountain vegetable (Sansai)
Hoshi zenmai (干しぜんまい): Dried royal fern, a type of mountain vegetable (Sansai)
Kanpyo (かんぴょう): Dried gourd strips
Kikurage (きくらげ): Dried wood-ear mushroom
Kinako (きなこ): Dried soybean powder, a popular ingredient in confections
Kiriboshi daikon (切り干し大根): Dried strips of daikon
Kuzuko (葛粉): Starch made from the kudzu plant, used as a thickening agent, also referred to simply as Kuzu
Mame (豆): Generic term for beans
Azuki (小豆): Small red beans, often used in confections (wagashi)
Daizu (大豆): Soybeans
Kintoki (金時): Kidney beans
Kuromame (黒豆): Black beans
Koya dofu (高野豆腐): Freeze-dried tofu
Menrui (麺類): Generic term for noodles
Soba (そば): Buckwheat flour noodles
Somen (そうめん): Thin wheat noodles
Udon (うどん): Thicker wheat noodles
Harusame (はるさめ): Thin noodles made from bean starch (or potato starch)
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* Reference of this article : Food Sake Tokyo (The Terroir Guides)