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Yuka’s Table : vol.21

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Dinner: I feel like eating “FISH”! So the dinner of the day is…chopped burdock root and carrot  cooked in sugar and soy sauce, sauteed string beans with black sesame, natto, Tatsuta deep frying of the sardine, braised pumpkin, sauteed garlic chive and bean sprouts, mix of white and brown rice, miso soup of long onion and turnip root. Yum-yum!

Yuka’s Table : vol.20

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夜ごはん: 主人のプレートをパチリ。(左利きなので、箸置きの位置も逆になっていますcoldsweats01) この日の献立は・・・白米と玄米の混合米、ネギとかぶの葉の味噌汁、定番のニラともやしの炒めもの、にんじんとごぼうのきんぴら、いわしの竜田揚げ、厚揚げと豚肉とピーマンの炒めもの、トマト、キムチ。

Dinner: I took a photo of my husband’s plate. He’s left handed so I put his chopstick rest on the other side. Well, the menus of the day…Mix of white and brown rice, miso soup of long onion and turnip root, sauteed garlic chive and bean sprouts, chopped burdock root and carrot cooked in sugar and soy sauce, Tatsuta deep frying of the sardine, sauteed green pepper, pork and deep-fried tofu, tomato and kimchi! 

Yuka’s Table : vol.17

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夜ごはん: 白米と玄米の混合米、いんげんと油揚げと豆腐の味噌汁、焼鮭、ニラともやしの炒めもの、きんぴらごぼう、こんにゃくと細切りねぎの炒めもの、焼き油揚げのゆず味噌添え、かぼちゃの煮物、そして、キムチ。お気に入りは、焼き油揚げ。大豆の優しい味とサクサクっとした食感がクセになりますhappy01

Dinner: White and brown rice, Miso soup with kidney beans, deep-fried tofu and tofu, Grilled salmon, Sauteed bean sprouts and leeks, Chopped burdock root cooked in sugar and soy sauce, Sauteed konnyaku and green onion, Grilled deep-fried tofu with yuzu miso, Braised pumpkin and Kimchi.  My favorite is the Grilled deep-fried tofu. You can enjoy its soybean taste and crispy food texturehappy01

Yuka’s Table : vol.16

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夜ごはん: 相変わらず黒プレートにハマっておりまして、おかずを盛り込みました。しいたけの塩麹ガーリック炒め、菜の花の辛子ガーリック炒め、ふきの煮物、こんにゃくの甘辛煮、菜の花のお浸し、いんげんのごま和え、そして、ご飯の代わりに豆腐のとろろ昆布のせ。豆腐自体の調理法は忘れてしまいました。すみません・・・。
Dinner: I get hooked on this black colored plate and enjoy dinner these days. And the menus of the day is…Sauteed shiitake mushrooms with Shio-koji and garlic, Sauteed Rape blossoms with garlic and pepper, cooked butterbur, Salty-sweet konnyaku, boiled rape blossoms, beans dressed with sesame sauce. And instead of eating rice, I cooked tofu with shredded kombu. By the way, I forgot how I cooked (seasoned) this tofu…sorry!

Yuka’s Table : vol.11

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Dinner: Neba-Neba Don. (Sticky Donburi !) Put Egg yolk, Boiled Okura, Kinzanji-miso, Sea weed, Perilla, Grated Chinese yam, Natto (=fermented soybeans) and White sesame on the white rice. Poured Men-tsuyu (=Noodle sauce) and mix all of them. Oishii—–!

Yuka’s Table : vol.10

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夜ごはん: 主人は出張中のため、冷蔵庫にあった惣菜たちを集めてきました(笑) 『健康美レシピ47』でもご紹介した五穀米とゆかりごはんの油揚げ包み、冷凍庫に入っていた肉団子(笑)。ほうれん草のナムル。安芸いもとゆず味噌。いただきもののふきの煮物。椎茸の味噌漬け。こんにゃくの甘辛煮。
Dinner: Since my husband had traveled for his business (again…coldsweats01), I gathered up daily dishes. Five-grain rice and Yukari rice wrapped up in roasted deep-fried tofu, Meetball (which I found in my fridge), spinach namul(=Korean dishes consisting of seasoned vegetables), Anki potato and yuzu miso, Japanese butterbur, Pickled shiitake mushrooms with miso, Konnyaku covered in the sweet ‘n’ spicy Teriyaki Sauce. 
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