Japanese Home Cooking Class in Tokyo. YUCa's Food & Lifestyle Media from Japan

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  • Yuka's Japanese Cooking
    2-34-8, Nishiogu116-0011
    May 1(Wed) 10:00-12:30

    Ramen & Gyoza

  • Yuka's Japanese Cooking
    2-34-8, Nishiogu116-0011
    May 13(Mon) 10:00-12:30

    Ramen & Gyoza

  • Yuka's Japanese Cooking
    2-34-8, Nishiogu116-0011
    May 22(Wed) 10:00-12:30

    Home Meal Set

  • Yuka's Japanese Cooking
    2-34-8, Nishiogu116-0011
    May 30(Thu) 10:00-12:30

    Ramen & Gyoza

  • Yuka's Japanese Cooking
    2-34-8, Nishiogu116-0011
    May 31(Fri) 10:00-12:30

    Ramen & Gyoza

  • Yuka's Japanese Cooking
    2-34-8, Nishiogu116-0011
    Jun 3(Mon) 10:00-12:30

    Ramen & Gyoza

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Recipe : Marmalade Chicken, Tuna Salad, Sumashijiru and Rice Balls

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In this recipe video, I’ll introduce Japanese breakfast which is also kids Friendly. Menus are Marmalade Chicken, Tuna salad with Komatsuna, Sumashijiru and Onigiri Rice Balls. Of course, this set meal is also perfect for lunch and dinner. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and give it a try!
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YUCa’s Table : vol.203

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– Miso soup with wakame seaweed, fried tofu and cabbage [Recipe

– Yaki Onigiri [Recipe

– Tuna Mayo Onigiri [Recipe]

– Kimpira gobo [Recipe

– Stir-fry bean sprouts and green pepper
– Japanese omelette [Original] [W/ Mayonnaise

– Yogurt with blueberry jam and marmalade jam

* Would you like to cook Japanese cuisine anytime?
☞ Download my recipe app “Recipe by YJC” (iOS, iPad OS and Android)  FREE!

Kid-Friendly Japanese Food : vol.12

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– Tuna Mayo Onigiri/Roll [Recipe]
– Veggie miso soup with cabbage, tofu and wakame
– Cucumber and bean sprouts salad with yukari
– Japanese omelette [Recipe]
– Kimpira gobo [Recipe]
– Yogurt with marmalade and blueberry jam

1. Looking for cookware for babies and toddlers? Please visit YJC Online Store!
2. Are you interested in trying other recipes? Download our free recipe App: “Recipe by YJC”

YUCa’s Diary : Week 6, 2021

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It’s still cold here in Tokyo. We don’t have snows but my hometown (northern part of Japan) snows a lot every winter. February 3rd is normally the day of Setsubun. Setsubun refers to the day before the beginning of each season. (the first days of spring, summer, fall and winter). The literal meaning of the word Setsubun is “seasonal division”. Out of all the 4 Setsubun days, Risshun (the first day of spring) is the most special day.

ここ東京はまだ寒いです。雪はありませんが、私の故郷(日本の北部)は毎年冬に雪がたくさん降ります。 2月3日は通常節分です。節分とは、各季節の始まりの前日を指します。 (春、夏、秋、冬の最初の日)。節分という言葉の文字通りの意味は「季節の分裂」です。節分4日間の中で、立春(春の初日)が最も特別な日です。

To celebrate this special day, my family and I visited the Japanese restaurant and had the huge Ebi-Furai (fried shrimps) that we have never seen this in life! The shrimp itself was big and also it’s coated with lots of panko (bread crumbs). So, super crispy outside and fluffy inside. I use small to medium size shrimps in my recipe video but if you are interested in how to make the Ebi Furai (Japanese fried shrimp) & Japanese version Tartar sauce, please check here!

この特別な日を祝うために、家族で日本食レストランへ行き、これまでに見たことのない巨大なエビフライを食べてきました。 エビ自体もとても大きくて、パン粉がさらにたっぷりついています。外はサクサク、中はふわふわ。私のレシピ動画では中サイズの海老を使用していますが、海老フライと日本版タルタルソースの作り方に興味のある方は是非、こちらのレシピをご覧ください!

Recipe : Yaki Onigiri (Japanese Grilled Rice Balls)

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Yaki Onigiri(焼きおにぎり)is not so famous among worldwide but this is one of hidden popular onigiri in Japan. In this recipe, I will show you how to make two types of grilled rice balls. One is to place a white rice ball on the net grill and grill it while dipping it in soy sauce (the traditional style), and the other is to pre-season it with soy sauce, dried bonito flakes, mirin, etc. and place it on the net grill or pan and grill it to your desired hardness (the modern style).

Dried products for Japanese Cooking

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Kanbutsu (dried products, 乾物) are key staples of Japanese pantry. All have a long shelf life, most are natural and without preservatives; and they can be simply reconstituted in water before use.


Aonori (青のり): Green laver, often sprinkled on Okonomiyaki and Yakisoba.

Aosa (あおさ): Sea lettuce, good in soups

Hijiki (ひじき): A black sea vegetable rich in minerals and protein

Kaiso (海藻): Generic term for sea vegetables, often added to salads

Kanten (寒天): Aga-agar made from tengusa, a sea vegetabl, and used as a gelatin

Kombu (昆布): Kelp, essential ingredients in dashi soup broth

Nori (海苔/のり): Seaweed, often used for sushi

Wakame (わかめ): A sea vegetable often used in miso soup and salads


Katsuobushi (かつおぶし): Dried bonito flakes

Niboshi (煮干し): Small dried sardines

Sakura ebi (桜えび): Dried sakura shrimp

Sesame seeds:

Goma (ごま): Sesame seeds

Irigoma (炒りごま): Roasted sesame seeds

Kurogoma (黒ごま): Black sesame seeds

Shirogoma (白ごま): White sesame seeds

Surigoma (すりごま): Crushed sesame seeds

Wheat gluten:

Fu (麩): Wheat gluten

Kuruma-fu(車麩): Car wheel shape wheat gluten


Hoshi shiitake (干し椎茸): Dried shiitake mushrooms

Hoshi warabi (干しわらび): Dried bracken, a type of mountain vegetable (Sansai)

Hoshi zenmai (干しぜんまい): Dried royal fern, a type of mountain vegetable (Sansai)

Kanpyo (かんぴょう): Dried gourd strips

Kikurage (きくらげ): Dried wood-ear mushroom

Kinako (きなこ): Dried soybean powder, a popular ingredient in confections

Kiriboshi daikon (切り干し大根): Dried strips of daikon

Kuzuko (葛粉): Starch made from the kudzu plant, used as a thickening agent, also referred to simply as Kuzu


Mame (豆): Generic term for beans

Azuki (小豆): Small red beans, often used in confections (wagashi)

Daizu (大豆): Soybeans

Kintoki (金時): Kidney beans

Kuromame (黒豆): Black beans

Koya dofu (高野豆腐): Freeze-dried tofu


Menrui (麺類): Generic term for noodles

Soba (そば): Buckwheat flour noodles

Somen (そうめん): Thin wheat noodles

Udon (うどん): Thicker wheat noodles

Harusame (はるさめ): Thin noodles made from bean starch (or potato starch)

Memo :

1. Are you looking for Japanese cookbooks and kitchenwares etc? Visit YJC store on Amazon!
2. Would you like to cook many more recipes? Download Free recipe app from here! “Recipe by YJC

* Reference of this article : Food Sake Tokyo (The Terroir Guides) 

Kid-Friendly Japanese Food : vol.11

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– Onigiri [Recipe]
– Veggie miso soup with mushroom, cabbage and tofu
– Teriyaki Salmon [Recipe]
– Japanese omelette [Recipe]
– Goma-ae (Sesame salad) with cucumber and cabbage [Recipe]
– Fried potato
– Cheese
– Yogurt with blueberry jam

1. Looking for cookware for babies and toddlers? Please visit YJC Online Store!
2. Are you interested in trying other recipes? Download our free recipe App: “Recipe by YJC”

YUCa’s Diary : Week 5, 2021

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In Tokyo, it snowed for the first time this year. It was only a few hours, but the kids were very excited about the snow. Sui-chan may not have known what was happening. It rarely snows in Tokyo, so I hope it will fall again!

YUCa’s Table : vol.202

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– Miso soup with spinach, tofu and daikon radish [Recipe]
– Japanese rice [w/Pot] [w/Rice Cooker]
– Tofu steak [Recipe]
– Kimpira gobo (Stir-fry burdock and carrot) [Recipe]
– Shira-ae (Tofu salad) [Recipe]
– Japanese pickles [Recipe]
– Japanese omelette [Original] [w/Mayonnaise]
– Strawberry

* Would you like to cook Japanese cuisine anytime?
☞ Download my recipe app “Recipe by YJC” (iOS, iPad OS and Android)  FREE!

Recipe : Miso Soup & Tofu Steak

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This is my first collaboration episode with my friend Tomoko, a culinary curator based in LA and the host of the new-ish YouTube channel “Japanese Food Ambassador”. Introducing miso soup in our style. On my side, I will make tofu steak in addition to miso soup and explain about Japanese breakfast. Please look forward to the presentation method for kids! I hope you enjoyed this special episode and commented!

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